CPD Seminars

Keep up to date with the latest industry regulations with one our RIBA approved CPD.

Dryvit offers a range of CPD seminars covering all aspects of our products, including our RIBA Approved seminar as well as bespoke seminars to meet your individual requirements. 

For all RIBA chartered members, there is a requirement to complete and record CPD (Continuing Professional Development) seminars. Our RIBA Approved Seminar counts towards your 35 hour requirement - giving you helpful insights and information on the benefits of utilising external wall insulation (EWI) within your projects. 

Our experienced team hold CPD training sessions throughout the year including the below courses. 

Understanding External Wall Insulation

RIBA Approved CPD - this seminar covers the below topics: 

  • Types of Renders (EWI and ICF)
  • What is External Wall Insulation 
  • What are the benefits of EWI 
  • Requirements and Performance 
  • Durability, Inspection and Maintenance 
  • Aesthetics and Design Freedom 

Book your CPD session with a member of our team: 

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